Mfon Jacobs, ex MIFA player dropped into the academy last week, to say hello! It’s so wonderful seeing individuals visit, we love hearing how they are getting on and how we can continue to support them. It’s a fantastic opportunity to find out how they reviewed their course with us, after moving forward. Let’s see what Mfon had to say…
Mfon Jacobs, ex MIFA player dropped into the academy last week, to say hello! It’s so wonderful seeing individuals visit, we love hearing how they are getting on and how we can continue to support them. It’s a fantastic opportunity to find out how they reviewed their course with us, after moving forward. Let’s see what Mfon had to say…
I really enjoyed my time at MIFA. One of the best things was meeting people from all over the world and playing together. The staff are so friendly, as was my host family- I still stay in touch with my host family!
I learnt many things whilst being here; firstly time management- I learnt what that was and how to do it well! Secondly is skills, in both my footballing career and also my people skills and how to communicate with a vast range of peers.
I changed a lot during my time at MIFA, particularly my ability at football. I learnt so much about English culture.
The training was really great and I discovered how to have a positive relationship with coaches, in order to improve my game and communicate with managers.
I am now studying for my degree in the UK. I would love the opportunity to come back, Manchester is a fantastic City and everyone is so friendly.